If someone had told me this time last year that I would be where I am today, I definitely would not have believed them.
where my journey began
I started asphaleia in June 2020, I contacted Gracie (one of the tutors at asphaleia) via email and we arranged a day and time to speak over email once a week.
Once I felt more confident, I began 1-1 sessions with Gracie at asphaleia, because I knew Gracie and had already attended asphaleia for a few months, when it came too meeting the others in my group it was so much easier.

I was also invited to attend a picnic along with other students and staff, by going and socialising with others it helped ease my anxiety and made me feel very proud of myself.
where I am now
It’s now July 2021, so a year and a month has gone by since I first started asphaleia and what an amazing journey it has been. asphaleia has helped me in so many ways.
I still struggle with my mental health, but the staff at asphaleia have helped and supported me, so now I have learnt better ways to cope and help myself in day-to-day life.
If someone had told me this time last year that I would be where I am today, I definitely would not have believed them.
what I have achieved since studying at asphaleia
Here is a list of different things that I have achieved since being a student at asphaleia:
· I have managed to attend more regularly than I did at any other school, my attendance record has improved hugely.
· I have made a few friends who I hope to never loose contact with.
· I have made a best friend, someone who has made my experience at Asphaleia even better.
· I have gained confidence in socialising with others, especially with people in the same age group as me.
· I became Student Ambassador.
· I passed all my Level 1 exams.

where I am going after I finish asphaleia
When I leave asphaleia I hope to get an apprenticeship to train to become a Youth Worker and specialise in mental health.
Since starting asphaleia I have changed my mind three times on what career I want, the staff at asphaleia have helped me figure out what career I would like to pursue in the future.
One thing I have learnt is that there is no rush to figure out what it is that you want to do, take your time and be sure that it's what you want!