Today is the start of Foster Care Fortnight, an annual event delivered by The Fostering Network to celebrate the impact and raise awareness of foster care. It runs from Monday 9th May to Sunday 22nd of May this year, and is the UK's biggest foster care campaign.
This year's theme is 'fostering communities' and the aim is to put a spotlight on the many ways people in the fostering community support each other and work together to transform lives.

Our agency, asphaleia fostering, are taking part in the campaign in order to celebrate our fostering families and our team, recruit more carers, and help to raise awareness of foster care in the wider community.
We will be sharing content on our blog and social media channels, gathering our fostering team, including staff from across the organisation in our wear yellow day, and generally being loud and proud about foster care!
We hope you can support us by sharing our posts and joining in with spreading the word about how foster care can change the life of a child or young person in need. If you know someone who is interested in being a foster and they live in Sussex, please direct them to our be a carer page.