Two weeks ago we took part in Mental Health Awareness Week 2021. The theme was 'Connect With Nature' and in order to promote the mental and emotional benefits of engaging with nature, we gathered suggestions from staff of specific activities we could share with our staff, YP and online audience.
Staff and YP also shared photos of their favourite moments in nature to help inspire us. Take a look at the video below for a round up of these images.
ESOL class trip
To mark Mental Health Awareness week, we took our ESOL students on a walk to emphasize the benefits of exercise and highlight the calming effect of nature. Also, to aid with their English studies, our students were asked to find a particular item, such as 'something green, something tall, something made of metal' and take a picture of it on their phones.
The students enjoyed being outside and getting away from the classroom, helped by the stunning sunshine.

One student said he enjoyed visiting a new place and would go back to the park and relax when it's nice weather. Another student had a great time and enjoyed feeding and making friends with the pigeons. It coo be the start of something special!
Overall, the students enjoyed doing an English based activity away from the classroom. We also have some drama workshops upcoming which will be very positive for our young people!