Hi all,
Managing mental health during tough times can be tricky and sometimes a balancing act!
However, often, when we become familiar with the strategies that help us cope, it can become more manageable and mean that we can carry on in our everyday life in a more positive manner.
Currently there are some worrying things going on in the world, and alongside our day-to-day stresses that we deal with, it is not surprising that things can feel a bit too much sometimes.
Here are some ideas to help with managing our wellbeing during worrying times:
Don’t let all your problems build up – try breaking them down a bit and dealing with things one by one.
Make sure you get enough rest – being on the go all the time may well add to worry and stress.
Say ‘no’ when you need to. Be assertive and remember that as much as we would like to please everyone, we can’t and we need to look after ourselves first.
Be kind to yourself – give yourself some nice things to do, treat yourself when you can and reward yourself for hard/good work that you have done.
Stay connected – keep in touch with positive contacts – make sure the people that you are speaking to during this time are people that you are close with and with whom make you feel good and that you have a nice vibe with.
Have a declutter! This can work wonders! Clearing out the old stuff to make room for the new can give you such a positive uplift! If you have any good/spare items, give them to the nearest charity shop. This process of giving can also boost your mood.
Help a vulnerable person – whether it is chatting to a homeless person or checking in on an elderly neighbour, helping others is good for our wellbeing, and obviously theirs.
Look good and feel good – this isn’t about glamming up (unless you want to!) but more about getting out of your PJs, have a nice refreshing shower/bath, putting on something nice and doing hair and make up if the mood takes you.
Pamper time – get some nice and needed pamper time in, whatever that might look like. Use a pamper/facial/sleep mask, do some guided meditation, watch your favourite series with your feet up, make a lovely hot choccy with marshmallows an cream, drink some tasty herbal teas in the evening.
Take a walk and get fresh air – it is amazing how a simple walk and a bit of fresh air can help lift us up a bit more in order to cope with stress. It doesn’t have to be a particularly long walk, even just to the shops, where you could also get some nice stuff.
Remember to keep calm and look after yourself.
All the best,