In the 2023-24 academic year, Refugee Council will once again be running regular information, advice and guidance sessions at asphaleia, for UASC young people needing help to navigate the asylum process.
A specialist Refugee Council Advisor will provide a drop-in and appointment service for asphaleia UASC students, specifically in relation to the asylum process and their asylum application. This will be particularly useful for those who are relatively newly-arrived and who may not yet have access to legal representation.
asphaleia has around 30 UASC students aged 16-18. Earlier this term, the Refugee Council Advisor spent a morning at asphaleia promoting the service and meeting students, and tutors, to hear more about their journey through the asylum process.
The Advisor will now be on-site every month, so our UASC students can have access to this valuable support. The support is available on an appointment basis, where access to interpreters can be provided, or students can drop-in to see them for a chat as required.