World Teacher Day takes place on 5th of October every year. Teachers are absolutely integral to all of our lives at some stage, particularly the first 18 years. They don't just teach us head knowledge, but life skills such as resilience, communication, and self-belief.

At asphaleia training, we want to celebrate our training team who are all involved in teaching young people. So, we got them some cake!
We also asked one of them some questions to find out more about being a tutor.
interview with Ray - asphaleia maths tutor
1. How long have you been a tutor at asphaleia training?
1 year!
2. What do you teach?
I teach maths & English. I've been a teacher for 18 years and during that time I've taught maths and English mainly, amongst other things!
3. What is the best thing about being a tutor?
Being interactive with the students. I love working with them and getting them to improve. I do believe in that - working to improve. I like that they can improve their life skills, we are working towards exams but my main motivation as a tutor is to see improvement.
4. What is the hardest thing about being a tutor?
Working with the students in terms of the energy I need to take their individual needs into account. They have different personalities and different needs so that requires additional energy beyond teaching the material, so that they can make that improvement we're working towards.
5. Can you tell us one fun fact about you?
I love learning! I am a life-long learner, I always have a learning project on the go whether that's a history project, finding out about a country, learning a language, or learning a new skill.
6. Your no. 1 tip for learning something well.
Be consistent, do it regularly, the longer you can do it the better. I think to learn something you need to do it often. And you have to make it interesting for yourself, either you find it interesting, or you make it interesting.
Thanks Ray!