Our summer programmes are always a highlight of our further education provision at asphaleia. This year we are offering an ESOL focused summer study programme over four weeks from Monday 31st July to the week ending August 25th, at our training centre in Worthing.

It starts Monday but it's not too late to refer a young person to join in, or to enrol yourself.
Students will be learning in two groups, as follows:
ESOL Group 1: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
ESOL Group 2: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
An English assessment will help us to allocate students to the group in which they will make the best progress according to their level.
Students attending must commit to all four weeks of the programme. Study of English is the main focus this year though we will be including the occasional trip to get some fresh summer air and practise English out in the community.
If you, or a young person you know would like to take part in our summer programme, please contact us, or call on 01903 823546 to reserve a place.