This week we are running a campaign to help grow our team of foster carers in our agency. The campaign is focused on the way in which concerns and misconceptions around fostering can stop people from enquiring. Or beliefs that their circumstances need to be different before they can apply, so they are putting it off until it's the 'perfect time'.
But as we know, often the perfect time never arrives, and perhaps it's worth just making a call and chatting things through with our fostering manager to find out for sure.

Our main aim for the fostering recruitment campaign is to grow our email list. We know the decision to foster can take time to make and we think anyone interested would benefit from joining our list and learning more about fostering as they decide.
We're running a competition where new subscribers to our fostering email list will be entered into a draw to win a £50 restaurants voucher for a meal out. Find out more including the full terms and conditions here.
article in Sussex Express
Take a look at this article on the Sussex Express news website about the urgent need for foster carers nationally and our campaign, including our foster carer's experience of fostering in comparison to their initial concerns before applying.
Follow us on social media to follow along with our campaign content this week. We are on Facebook, Instagram and X, @asphaleiaorg.
If you are interested in finding out more about being a foster carer, you can have a no-obligation chat with our fostering manager. Call 01903 522966 and ask for Kim.