Last week our students celebrated LGBTQ+ History month and completed some excellent work around this important topic. LGBT History Month takes place in February every year and is an opportunity to celebrate LGBTQ+ culture, reflect on LGBTQ history and look to the future of activism. LGBTQ History Month is for everyone: community groups, organisations, individuals, activists, service providers, LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ people alike.
At the beginning of the week the SAFE team sent out some information and resources that could be used with our young people to help them learn a little more about the subject, explore inspirational members of the LGBTQ+ community throughout history and understand the struggles that are still present.
This year’s theme is ‘Poetry, Prose and Plays’ a chance to celebrate the creative writers from the LGBTQ community that have influenced writing, stories, TV and film for generations, from William Shakespeare to Lorraine Hansbury.
To build awareness of this posters were placed around the asphaleia buildings and classrooms and Tutors were encouraged to discuss the theme in class. Young people were also encouraged to look at what it means to be from the LGBTQ+ community and understand what vocabulary is used to describe people’s sexuality and gender means.
As well as sharing resources and information with staff and young people the SAFE team have also arranged a meeting with ALLSORTS Youth Project later this month to discuss further workshops and training opportunities for both young people and staff alike to help ensure asphaleia is a safe and inclusive space for all!
Here’s some examples of the incredible work created by our amazing young people; Well done to everyone for taking part!