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wellbeing with Sally: 10 tips for staying happy and well over Christmas

Hello! I hope that you are all doing well and getting through this very testing time. I think going into a second lockdown has caused low moods for some, many of us do not cope well with such changes. I hope we can all find some kind of happiness in spite of all these challenges we're facing.

I thought it would be helpful to provide you with 10 tips to stay happy and healthy over the Christmas period. Christmas itself can be a difficult time for some and I'm sure many are anticipating a quieter Christmas this year. Let’s see if we can make this Christmas season as good as we can.

1. Find time to laugh – If you have an open mind, and are free spirited, you can find humour anywhere! The thing with laughter is that it is positive and infectious. People like hanging around people that like to have a laugh and a joke.

2. Have goals – Both big and small. If you want some focus in your life, you need to establish realistic objective goals that you can work towards. Work towards these points of achievement that can inspire you.

3. No to comparing! – Stop comparing yourself to other people, it is the death of joy! Do not wish to be someone else, wish to be the best that you can. Enjoy being you!

Stop comparing yourself to other people, it is the death of joy!

4. Think outside the box – When life gives you options that can exercise your creativity, grab it! Being creative helps to reinforce your self- image. Creativity is a sign of a happy and healthy individual.

5. Understand people – Stop trying to impose control on others, rather give them options and let them choose for themselves. Respect freedom of choice. People are happier when they are understood.

6. Try not to over-think – Over-thinking trivial problems can affect you both physically and mentally. Take a deep breath and tell yourself it is not worth worrying about.

7. Generosity is great! – This is the secret to a lot of people’s happiness and healthy attitude to life. Be the first to give kind words and compliments. Their response to you may well brighten up your day!

8. Be polite – Politeness can get you places you would not even imagine! Being polite may be lost on a lot of people right now but it can create a setting where people acknowledge it and respond in kind.

9. Smile! Smiling is the most inexpensive and effortless method to make you look appealing to others. Plus when someone smiles back it tends to lifts your spirits and make you happy.

10. Phone on silent for an hour - When suitable, turn your phone on silent and turn off all your notifications for an hour. Give yourself some time away from screens. Relax!

Finally to help cheer us all up, here is an amazing Xmas tree that a young person I have been working with has made out of wood. Love the creative thinking - what a talent!

This content is general information only, not advice. If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health issue, please contact a mental health professional or contact the Samaritans.


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