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types of fostering offered at asphaleia

When foster carers are approved it is usually to provide foster care for specific amounts of time. These are referred to as types of placements and foster carers can choose which ones they'd like to specialise in.

The following types of placement are offered at asphaleia's fostering agency. If you have any questions about these, or about fostering generally, please give us a call and ask to speak to our fostering manager for a no-oligation chat.

types of fostering placement

  • Emergency: providing a placement with an immediate start e.g. for refugee children, or children of a lone parent who has had to go into hospital unexpectedly and no one else can care for the children.


  • Short term or bridging: placements may be made where the intention is a time-limited, task-centred piece of work. These placements may be for a period of up to two years.


  • Long term: any placement that is intended to last longer than two years for children who will not be returning home to have a stable and consistent home.

A man is giving a girl a piggy back

  • Parent and child: we offer two types of parent and child placement. Assessment placements are time-limited placements in which a trained foster carer/s will observe and record key information, including parenting capacity, caring abilities and emotional support from the parent. Support placements are longer in duration, and will include the foster carer's supporting the parent to develop the skills and capacity necessary to parent their child. 


  • Siblings: where a foster carer/s offers more than one placement allowing siblings to stay together whilst they are placed in foster care.


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