An investment in knowledge pays the best interest -Benjamin Franklin
Our annual organisational Learning and Development week took place in the third week of September. L&D week is an opportunity for staff to explore different topics and training that will support them to develop further in their roles. The theme this year was Working Professionally and centered around our WP policy and asphaleia's values, reflecting on the question; what does it look like to represent asphaleia to young people and professionals?
Through daily bulletins, staff received material related to the theme, which included the following topics:
Communication skills
Working Professionally
Recording and Reporting
Professional Curiosity
Alongside the materials, staff were asked to complete some online training related to this year’s topics – Diversity and Difference in Communication and Professional Relationships with Young People. Discussions were open on jamboards that enabled staff to comment on their learning throughout the week.
We also enjoyed watching a range of videos that involved looking back and also presenting the current work of our ventures across the organisation. We heard directly from a young person who is being supported by asphaleia currently, which was just inspiring to watch.
Some of staff comments shared on our L&D jamboards included:
“The reporting and recording guide is very useful. It has reminded me of many things that are missed when recording is completed in haste; spending a little time proofreading makes all the difference.”
“Teaching young people about effective communication is vital for their job prospects - employers say it is one of the top things they look for when employing school leavers.”
“Lots of helpful things there... really thought-provoking examples in the trauma-informed resource of incorrect interventions due to misunderstanding behaviour. Can see how taking the time to listen and listen well would influence trauma-informed response.”
“It's inspiring to read about Dave and his vision for yp. In terms of working professionally I think self-regulation and acting according to policy can be challenging when the unexpected happens!”
“It is great seeing the videos about the different ventures.”
We closed the week of L&D by taking time to share the special achievements of our team members. Our annual staff awards would usually take place in person, but were no less significant this year despite the virtual delivery of the news to the winners.
Congratulations again to…
Teams of the Year – The Hornet Team and Salisbury Team
Dedication to Service Users – Jo, Karleen, and Jacqui
Team Member of the Year – Gracie
10 Years of Service – Toni
Thanks to all who helped make it another great week of learning and development!