Next week is Refugee Week and we are delighted to be celebrating it again this year. Refugee Week is an important week in asphaleia's calendar following over two decades of working with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) and providing services for them such as 16+ accommodation, post-16 education, and mental health support.

Over the years we have heard many stories and met many incredible young people who have overcome big challenges whilst settling in the UK after facing trauma and loss. We continue to be in awe of what these young people achieve and want to celebrate them, their resilience and courage as well as the amazing skills and perspectives that asylum seekers bring to our nation.
refugee week 2024 theme
“To me, a home is where you feel loved, safe, and cherished.” - Malala Yousafzai

The theme for Refugee Week 2024 is “Our Home”; from the places we gather to share meals to our collective home, planet earth: everyone is invited to celebrate what our Our Home means to them.
activities at asphaleia
This year we are displaying information about the week to all young people in our learning centre and supported accommodation properties. We will also be sharing local events with young people and holding a writing competition on the theme of 'Our Home'.

We are encouraging staff and young people to take part in the Refugee Week Simple Acts, as well as asking them to share what 'home' means to them.
Here are some responses we received from staff and young people:
‘For me, home is with my family. I like my home here but I miss my other home.’ – young person
‘Home is different than a house, home is where you feel happy.’ – young person
‘Home is a feeling, not a place. It is somewhere where you feel safe, with people that you love.’ – staff member
'For me, Home is a place where you feel loved, safe, cared for and heard.' - staff member
'Home is safety, support, comfort, and an atmosphere that cultivates you to thrive and follow your passions.' - staff member