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children of foster carers month; feedback from birth children

At asphaleia fostering, it's important to us to join with The Fostering Network's campaign to celebrate Children of Foster Carers Month during October. As the month draws to a close, we wanted to share some feedback from birth children in one of our foster families.

children of foster carers month infographic

Birth children in foster families experience the high and lows of fostering just as their parents do. They have to make sacrifices and experience a different home life to that of their peers who don't foster.

It's important to acknowledge that sometimes it's hard to be in a fostering family.

However, we want to recognise the positive too. The birth children that are currently in one of our foster families gave feedback recently, which shows how the experience of fostering has been mostly positive for them, as well as how they also feel a sense of fulfilment at the impact the family is having, and can readily empathise and show compassion.

One of the birth children said,

'It is fun to have someone to hangout with that is younger than me. Playing games and football with [them]. Nice having a bigger family.'

When asked if there was anything they'd like to change about fostering, they said, 'more children around the house'.

Their sibling said,

'It's nice to have another family member. Make the house much more lively and entertaining. It's nice to see the foster child's development. It's nice to play games with him.'

They also added, 'as a foster family we can make a difference to a child's life. It nice to see the change that has occured in the child we look after.'

We are grateful and inspired by the amazing contribution made by these young people to their fostering family.

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