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celebrating children of foster carer's month

Updated: Oct 18, 2024

The Fostering Network run a campaign during the month of October which is dedicated to celebrating the contributions of birth children in fostering families.

Fostering is something that everyone in the family home participates in. When birth children are present, they are usually integral to helping a foster child settle in at a new placement. By playing with the child, sharing their toys, and befriending them, the foster child can quickly feel like they belong.

For children of foster carers month we are celebrating birth children in our fostering families and all they contribute to their family homes. We are gifting them with a restaurant voucher so they can go and have a meal and some quality time together.

To hear from some birth children from fostering families, please take a look at this inspiring video below from The Fostering Network.

Throughout the month we'll be sharing some other stories and content from people in our asphaleia community who have been in fostering families, and from our foster families themselves.

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