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careers guidance for asphaleia students

Alongside their English, maths and employability studies, our On Track 2 Work students are busy preparing for their next steps beyond asphaleia, supported by our careers education programme.


Our careers provision is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks for Colleges – the sector standard for good practice in careers guidance. Students participate in activities tailored to meet their needs, including 1:1 impartial careers guidance and opportunities for real-life encounters with the world of work, to learn first-hand what it's really like to work in different jobs.

a specialist careers advisor 

We are delighted to continue working in partnership with Education Development Trust – one of the leading national careers organisations, and we have a brilliant Careers Advisor, Michelle working with us. Michelle is a highly-qualified careers professional with years of experience and lots of local knowledge and connections.


Michelle works in our training centre every week. She offers 1:1 careers guidance for every student and helps them create personal careers action plans with individual targets. She also provides practical help with applying for college places, apprenticeships and jobs.

individual careers guidance

It has been brilliant to see the progress made by young people after working with Michelle. One young person has gone on to get a part-time job after meeting and talking about interview questions etc. Some other students have now got college interviews lined up after getting support from Michelle to complete the applications.

A young hairdresser smiling at the camera in a salon

Recently, Michelle worked with a young person looking for and then applying to a hairdressing apprenticeship. She has also worked with students to create or update CVs and gone through how to apply for jobs online.

visits from local colleges

This term, Michelle and Chloe (our Voice and Participation Officer) have been organising all kinds of meaningful and relevant careers activities for our students, from local college visits to employer presentations, workplace encounters and promoting volunteering.

Clare, the Schools Liaison Coordinator from Plumpton College visited in May and spoke to a small group of On Track 2 Work students. She gave an overview of the options that Plumpton offers, focusing on apprenticeships via practical and theoretical training in sectors such as agriculture, conservation and service engineering. 

‘Training as you learn’ appealed to students and they appreciated that apprenticeships are available from any age. She also highlighted vocational courses such as motor vehicle and metal work, showcasing the variety of courses available and how they vary from other colleges.  


Zoe, the Schools Liaison Officer from Northbrook College also visited in May and spoke to a large group of On Track 2 Work students. Northbrook is an appealing option to students with their wide range of vocational BTECs, diplomas and T-Level courses, which can set you up for a successful career with a fantastic qualification. 

Zoe pointed out that continuing education is a big step, and one that opens many doors. Courses including art and design, catering and hospitality, and music particularly appealed to the students.

Northbrook's range of apprenticeships was also highlighted – including industries such as engineering and manufacturing, business and administration, finance and accounting and legal. Zoe ended the session by teaching the group the British Sign Language alphabet.

Students appreciated the excellent visits from both Clare and Zoe and welcome other local colleges who would like to share about their courses and programmes with our students.  

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