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asphaleia's independent living skills program

asphaleia delivers supported accommodation services for young people aged 16+. These accommodation services range from having a 24/7 staff presence, to semi-independent living accommodation with outreach worker support.

Over two decades of experience has enabled us to develop and refine an Independent Living Skills (ILS) program that equips young people with the skills they need to live together in a shared property, and take care of themselves and their responsibilities.

A young woman sat at a laptop receiving education from a male teacher

independent living skills program; housemate

The first part of our ILS program is called Housemate. It is designed for UASC young people, who live in our properties from the age of 16. It covers topics such as:

  • Education

  • What to do in an emergency

  • Safety

  • Making a positive contribution

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Moving on (tenancy agreements, bills, etc)

House Support staff take each young person through each section as part of their keywork. When a section is complete, each young person will receive a certificate and a voucher they can use to buy something towards their new bedroom/home.


When Housemate is complete and young people are getting ready to move into semi-independent accommodation, they undertake the Flatmate part of the program. This offers support with living in a property in terms of paying rent and bills, and taking care of it. In order to live independently, young people will need sources of income and so Flatmate also teaches young people about benefits, applications for support, finding work, and completing employment applications.

multiply flatmate for care leavers

asphaleia training is currently delivering the government funded Skills for Life Multiply program. Multiply Flatmate is for care leavers or young people who are about to leave care and are aged 19-29. It's a free money management programme tailored to the individual that can help them manage their personal and household finances, including housing costs, benefits, and paying bills.

The programme can also support young people with creating budgets and shopping economically. As well as informing them about banking and saving as well as their entitlements as care leavers.

To find out more about our accommodation services, please click here.

To apply to join Multiply Flatmate, please email

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