The 15th-19th of November was Anti-Bullying Week and it is an event that we participate in every year to educate and bring awareness to the issue of bullying, in all its forms.
The week began as always with the famous Odd Socks Day. Staff and young people across the organisation wore Odd Socks to spread the message that we all deserve kindness, no matter our differences.

activities with YP
In one of our ESOL classes, a session was given over to looking at the topic of bullying. The class discussed what bullying is, what forms it can take and what we can do to prevent and report it.
The tutor explained that all the students engaged well and took part in creative activities to express what they had learned about kindness.

In our OnTrack to Work class they used the WEX lessons to discuss harassment and bullying at a workplace. This lead to discussions about what harassment and bullying could be and how to address it.
In addition, our student ambassador created a ‘Notes of Kindness’ board, where we have encouraged all students to write a kind message about others within their own class.

kindness day
World Kindness Day took place on Saturday 13th of November and our Youth Voice and Participation Worker initiated discussions about kindness with YP in our further education classes as well as in our 16+ accommodation.
He said, 'After discussions at residential housing and in class we all decided what kindness day meant to us and how we can do little things each day to help others out and make their day better.
YP came up with suggestions like; reach out to a friend and send a kind message, help out with chores around the house, organise a movie night for their housemates, cook dinner for the group, teach someone a new skill, make someone smile, offer a helping hand, share something with someone, give friends words of encouragement and build them up!'
We love these suggestions and are proud of how our young people have engaged with this important awareness week this year - so, thank you all!