Safer Internet Day is an awareness day that asphaleia celebrates every year. In this digital age, safeguarding extends to include interactions and activities that happen online as well in day-to-day life.
SID is run by UK Safer Internet Centre, whose mission is to champion internet safety for all, but especially for children and young people, and this year's focus was on 'Together for a better internet'.
safer internet activities
At asphaleia, we want to highlight this day to show young people that there is open dialogue and the capacity to talk to staff about their concerns regarding their online life. We also want to take the opportunity to educate and inform young people so that they can do everything in their power to protect themselves from harm online. And know what to do if they see something upsetting, or are a victim of cyberbullying or cyber crimes.
Last week, our ESOL classes had a Digital Skills session where they looked at internet safety resources, including the below video from Kaspersky.
Students then did a fill in the gap comprehension exercise based on the tips in the video. They also did a 'design an emoji' exercise that was focused around comments you might receive online and how they might make you feel.
On Safer Internet Day, staff received a safeguarding bulletin with information and guidance on cyber crime. It included extortion, hacking, and online scams, with links to further guidance so staff can fully support young people who are victims.
During the week, the content of this bulletin was used by our 16+ accommodation team to share with young people in keywork sessions so that they can be fully informed.