As we continue our series celebrating the work of asphaleia over the past 21 years, a contract we have had for over 10 years has come to an end. We want to acknowledge the amazing impact staff had on young people in Kent during this period.
asphaleia in Kent originally started in 2009 as a provider of supported accommodation to UASC young people moving on from the Millbank and Appledore centres. Young people would be placed with us for a period of time before moving onto independent living and whilst with us we would teach them independent living skills to prepare them for this.
When this contract ended we then started our outreach service, with similar aims to teach YP how to live independently in accommodation provided by KCC. Young people referred were aged 16 years and above and we worked with both UASC and British young people; the service covered all areas of Kent.
Referrals were made by their social worker/personal advisor and specific tasks were set to support them with their independent living skills. In addition to the above we have delivered the SAFE and Better Life projects, working to support YP with mental health and keeping them safe and learning about British Law and culture. We also delivered an ESOL training program at our training centre in Maidstone for a number of years and saw many students pass through our doors.

We have many fond memories of working with young people in Kent and we are sad to see the current contract ending. We have worked with many many young people over the years and have supported them with a range of issues.

A fun outing for our YP in 2011!
A memory that sticks out for the care manager is when she attended a Triangle Award ceremony with a YP who had been nominated for an award. To see him on the stage collecting his award and to see how happy he was to achieve this is a memory that won’t be forgotten and she felt very grateful that he had asked her to attend with him.
Some of the young people we have worked with will make contact with us from time to time and will update us on what they have achieved, which has included getting a job in a restaurant, passing their driving test and getting a car, and studying to be a nurse. We are very proud of the YP we have supported.
Below is some feedback from YP we have worked with this year on outreach:
‘I am not good at these things but you was good and helped me get loads of things done that still wouldn’t be done to this day if it weren’t for you so thank you.’
‘Thank you so much for all your work with **, I can see the positive changes in him too and he is making good decisions in keeping away from his friends that smoke drugs.’
'I am truly grateful for your help we have learnt alot from you helping us, I am not happy you are leaving. We will start to make the house messy again so you will come back.'