asphaleia is open
On advice from the Government, asphaleia remains open as a training provider to support keyworker families and vulnerable students. We continue to implement and improve practice as per the advice. The health and welfare of our service users and staff as always is paramount. We will directly inform staff, service users and key external professionals of any changes we make to our services in this uncertain time.
young people
Our centres are open and staff will continue to support you if you receive any of our services. We have set up a messaging service to keep you informed of what we are doing and to continue to support you. You should receive your first message today. Let us know if you do not receive this.
We remain open and continue to provide all our services, although some may be delivered remotely for a few weeks. Referrals can be made as normal to for training services. For care, fostering, action projects, CSE and IV services please contact
We will regularly update our website, so please do sign up to receive the latest blogs and e-bulletins.
latest Government advice
The Government are now holding daily press conferences to update the public on the current situation as the guidance is continually being updated. A broad overview of the relevant advice from Monday 16 March is;
asphaleia practices
Our Senior Leadership Team are meeting on a daily basis to discuss new guidance being released and making sure every effort is being made to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all. The SLT are regularly working to and updating the organisations Business Continuity Plan.
In our learning centres we are doing the following;
Increased cleaning throughout
Provided means for good hygiene practices
Continue to remind all staff and service users the importance of good personal hygiene
Cancelled all offsite activities
Remain in contact with all suppliers and contractors to ensure continuity
The DfE Coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and childcare. Staff, service users and parents/carers can contact this helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687 Email: Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
For our care and fostering services;
We are continually promoting good hygiene practices in all settings
We are working closely and in continuous communication with all Local Authorities
Providing guidance and managing scenarios for front line care staff
asphaleia are monitoring any visitors to the centres and properties. On signing in they will be asked whether they have any symptoms or been in contact with anyone who has. If they answer yes they will be asked to leave immediately.
the importance of hygiene 
​Personal hygiene is the most important way to tackle COVID-19, especially washing hands more; and the catch it, bin it, kill it strategy for those with coughs and sneezes
Wash your hands more often for 20 seconds  with soap and hot  water 
In addition to handwashing before eating and after  coughing and sneezing, everyone should also wash hands after using toilets and travelling on public transport 
Watch this short NHS film for guidance