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16-19 tuition fund for on track students

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

The Covid pandemic continues to impact young people and their education. asphaleia is therefore pleased to have been allocated additional funding from the

Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to provide small group tuition for students whose learning has been disrupted by the Covid pandemic.

asphaleia commits to using this additional 16-19 Tuition Funding to mitigate against the impact of the pandemic on our students’ learning.

To meet the requirements of the 16-19 Tuition Fund, we will identify On Track students that are most disadvantaged and require catch-up support, prioritising those who had not achieved grade 4 or above in English or maths GCSE by age 16 and those with special educational needs and disabilities.

Targeted tutorials will be delivered for small groups of these students between April 2021 and July 2021.

Tutorials will be run by experienced tutors and our team of experienced pastoral support staff. Tutorials will be tailored to the needs of students in the tutor group, and will focus on supporting with English and maths, engagement and pastoral support.

Sessions will be limited to three to five students per group and will be scheduled in addition to their normal timetabled hours. Each student will have between three and five hours of tutorial time on their timetable, depending on need.

The aim is to prevent our students from falling further behind as a result of the disruption caused by Covid. Attendance at tutorials will be recorded and data on participation will be shared with the ESFA as requested.

In addition, asphaleia is delighted to continue to work in partnership with Barnardo’s on the See Hear Respond project, now extended to March 2021.

See Hear Respond provides 1:1 targeted interventions for young people whose engagement in education has been affected by the pandemic. This support is available to all young people up to age 18 on asphaleia’s current programmes, as well as young people enrolled in other schools and colleges.

We very much look forward to continuing to support all of our students to achieve positive outcomes, despite the pressures and disruption from Covid.


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