unaccompanied asylum seeking children specialism
asphaleia originated out of a desire to accommodate UASC who were newly arrived in the country. Over the past two decades we have built significant experience and expertise in working with UASC and worked with many local authorities providing a package of support that meet's young people's physical, mental and emotional needs.
we offer tailored specialist services
These include:
Reception service
Accommodation and support
Fostering placements
Trafficked accommodation and support services
Education (52 weeks of the year)
ESOL from entry level, in our On Track 2 Work further education provision with asphaleia training.
15 years+ staff experience working with UCAS in asphaleia services
Mental health support with our Mental Health and Pastoral Lead
Creative workshops and opportunities to take part in forums and have their voices heard with our Voice and Participation Youth Worker
We work in partnership with specialist UASC services and organisations to support them on their journey.
we're proud of what our young people have achieved...
engaging with mental health support
moved into independent living
set up a YouTube channel to offer educational videos to people in their home country
attended mainstream school or college
joined our ESOL programs and gained qualifications
completed our housemate and flatmate programmes
been awarded a scholarship for university
helped us interview new staff