asphaleia are currently recruiting for the role of Outreach Worker, based in Worthing. We wanted to share more about this rewarding role and the day to day responsibilities.
outreach worker job vacancy
As Outreach Worker, you will be working with vulnerable young people, supporting them with independent living skills development. You will be required to safeguard and support the young people with key work sessions, be a guardian of the property, facilitate the house clean at all times, support the young people with their day to day routine, support the young people to adhere to the house rules and enable the young person’s to support their independent and individual lifestyles.

Our mission at asphaleia is to impact as many children and young people who experience disadvantage as we can. Outreach Workers deliver care support to all young people who are being supported by the care team, assisting them to;
Make a positive transition into adulthood
Progress successfully through education to employment and reduce the number of young people dropping out
Acquire the skills to live independently, supporting service users to make positive, informed choices about their lives
The day to day tasks include:
Provide outreach support to young people referred by social services and allocated by the Service Coordinator; working with individual young people helping to meet their learning, personal and social needs, helping young people to use information services for young people
Contribute to the provision of homes for marginalised young people: establishing a safe, warm and comfortable environment
Promote harmonious living within the homes through group events i.e. participation in house meetings, shared mealtimes, shared living/cleaning practises
Report maintenance issues according to service practices
Encourage and equip the young people through ILS training programme e.g. Housemate, Flatmate – to maintain good living standards
Promote independence via information, advice and guidance; working with individuals assessing independent living skills, creating learning opportunities to develop service users' independence skills, introduce/signpost service users to local services and resources
Assist in overcoming any barriers service users may face by offering information, advice, advocacy and practical support and by brokering access
Accompany service users to meetings as appropriate
Produce reports for social services routinely and ad hoc
Participate in the collection of service users feedback
Work with other professionals to ensure timely and appropriate progression into independent living accommodation; finding appropriate local accommodation, support recording and reporting completion, supports moving in, settling in and support for initial period
This role allows you to impact young people and help them reach their potential and future goals.
If this Outreach Worker vacancy sounds like it would fit your interests and skills, you can apply here on Indeed. If you'd like to find out more about the requirements, or about working at apshaleia, please email