our services; for parents and guardians
If you're visiting this page, then you're a parent or guardian of a young person and are looking for a service to meet a specific need. Keep reading to find out about the ways we can help.
our current services
Since its inception, asphaleia has had the mission to impact as many disadvantaged children and young people as we can. With that in mind, we have approached our work with openness and flexibility to deliver services that meet present needs. Therefore, our services can change, though fall under our four ventures; care, training, fostering, and action (our charity). To find out more about us and our values, click here.
To read about these ventures and the services that are generally provided by them, please return to the 'our services' page and scroll down. If you're unsure whether our services will offer what you need, please contact us.

what if we don't do what you need?
Please contact us directly. It may be we do offer what you need, or will do imminently. With certain cases we can offer support at cost or as a bespoke package.
If we can't provide help ourselves, we can then signpost you to an alternative option.