Summer is well and truly gone with the grey days and rain of autumn arriving in the last couple of weeks. Looking back over the summer months, the young people in our semi-independent accommodation had many positive achievements and progression.
Several young people finished sections of our flatmate course. This course provides them with independent living skills and equips them for living without support when the time comes.
One young person was enrolled in asphaleia's training programme in June and left in August with a place at a local college. Two other yp will be attending college in September also.

We were thrilled to support a yp with a scholarship application at his university in London for a place in resident halls, which will be of no cost to him. asphaleia recommended him and he won out of a couple of hundred students. He has already been studying at university and making the commute to London on a daily basis, which proves how hard he is willing to work for his future. He left for university in September and we wish him all the best with his future.
Another yp has moved away to attend university. We are all very pleased for him and wish him well. He has gone to study Neuroscience and it was a big change for him but he likes the city he lives in and is pleased to be surrounded by a lot of young people.
yp creativity
One of our yp has created their own YouTube channel. The theme is educational and he has 59 subscribers to date.

The yp had attended a workshop on filming using a smartphone and developed his project from these skills he learned. Staff were impressed by the professional look of his channel and content.
To find out more about our care services in West Sussex and London, please contact us.