Our students are currently sitting their English and maths functional skills exams at our centre in Worthing. These exams include both level 1 and 2 and by achieving level 2, students gain a qualification that is GCSE grade C equivalent and therefore equips them to progress into further education, apprenticeships or jobs.
You’ll appreciate that everyone’s feelings and experiences of exams will be very different. It can be a really stressful and challenging time and particularly difficult if they are managing other challenges too.

Young Minds asked young people for some wellbeing advice for exam season – here’s what they said;
Always take a moment to breathe, whether in the exam, before or after.
Remember that results do not define you.
Remember that school or college offer support, just reach out and ask!
Find a revision space and style that works for you; silence, background chatter, music with or without lyrics.
If you know a young person currently sitting exams, feel free to share this advice with them. If you stop by our centre over the coming weeks, please be aware that some rooms may be being used for exams and therefore, please be considerate. These will be clearly signposted.
To all our students, we wish you all the best!